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Balram Chavan

Google Developer Expert Angular | Architect | Cloud | Author

About Me

An Architect with 14+ years of industry experience in designing, architecting and building scalable and secure solutions for Pharmaceutical, Finance, Accounting, Automation and Automobile domains using Microsoft .NET, Node.js, Python, Javascript, Typescript, Angular, Ionic, AWS, Azure, GCP and DevOps tools.

Written a book on Angular framework . Great team player, effective communicator, quick learner and problem solver.

Work Experience

Functional Architect - Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany (2018 - Present)

  • Driving digital innovation and transformation in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Helping products to be more secure, more reliable, more efficient and more effective.
  • Building cloud infrastructure for the pharmaceutical industry.

Senior Consultant - RIED Labs, India (2017 - 2018)

  • Built Vehicle Automation system using .NET Technologies.
  • Provided consulting services and corporate trainings.
  • Built BitCoin payment system.
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NPM Packages

ng-connection-service - Internet Connection Monitoring Service

The package is used to detect the internet connection status in Angular/Ionic project. The Observable service provides a stream based approach to respond to changing internet connection.

ngx-angular-qrcode - Build Beautiful QR Codes

This library provides an Angular component to create beautiful QR codes in your application.

ng-event-broker - Angular Event Broker Service

In Angular application, we often require to pass data and messages between components and classes. If parent/child component hierarchy is present then we can pass data using @Input() and @Output() decorators. If not then we can create custom event service and pass events/data. This library exports EventBrokerService which is available through application level and can be injected in any declarable classes. Using EventBrokerService application events can flow in streamline fashion without mixing component's logic with event handling and publishing code.

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GitHub Projects

Online Angular Application Generator

This Angular application generates new Angular applications. The frontend requests an application by sending application skeleton in JSON format. The server parse the request and builds Angular CLI commands for generating application. Once application is generated then either a zip file can be sent to client for download or open an application in StackBlitz project.

Molecule Viewer - Virtual Reality - AFrame

In many organization, people receives phishing emails with company's name tweaked/changed a bit so to look original. As a human being its very easy to ignore such small change and people ends up responding to such phishing email. This add-in validates selected email address against hard coded domain name. If selected email is safe then a notification message will be displayed on top of the email otherwise a warning will be displayed.

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Using GPU.js in Angular application

The project demonstrate how to use GPU.js to utilize GPUs for heavy calculations on browser. The GPU.js library provides a seamless access to GPUs and schedules heavy tasks normally done on server side or in service workers.

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Animated Login Form - Angular

A fancy and animated login form built in Angular.

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Using OpenStreetMap in Angular

In many organization, people receives phishing emails with company's name tweaked/changed a bit so to look original. As a human being its very easy to ignore such small change and people ends up responding to such phishing email. This add-in validates selected email address against hard coded domain name. If selected email is safe then a notification message will be displayed on top of the email otherwise a warning will be displayed.

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Outlook Add-in - Validate Sender domain name

In many organization, people receives phishing emails with company's name tweaked/changed a bit so to look original. As a human being its very easy to ignore such small change and people ends up responding to such phishing email. This add-in validates selected email address against hard coded domain name. If selected email is safe then a notification message will be displayed on top of the email otherwise a warning will be displayed.

Building wireframe forms using Angular and Wired.js

Are you tired of building typical Material Design/Bootstrap and other design system websites and wants to build something sketchy for fun? If yes, then let's build one!

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